TransformHERS keeps you active!

TransformHERS offers you 5 options to keep you active & healthy during this time.

The only equipment you will need for options 1-4 are:

  • Exercise Mat
  • Set of 2kg / 3kg dumbbells
  • Theraband
  • Skipping rope
  • Soccer ball
Live Group Session

LIVE group training sessions

Book your group training sessions with us at 2 days per week, but instead of meeting us at our outdoor venues, join us online for our live, interactive training sessions in the comfort of your home. All you need to do is download ZOOM and get your workout area ready. You will only be able to join us for the amount of sessions you sign up from.

Outdoor Group Session

Group sessions at Sunninghill Gardens Park

Come and enjoy your workout surrounded by a fab bunch of like-minded ladies. We keep the groups small to focus on form and inclusivity. Workouts cater to all fitness levels and take place 2 days per week, Mon and Thurs at 4:30pm at Sunninghill Gardens Park. Bring the equipment listed above and meet us at the park for an effective and fun hour workout.

Online Workouts delivered to inbox

ONLINE workouts delivered to your inbox

If you are unable to join our live workouts, then book for three workouts per week which will be delivered to your inbox on a Monday morning. 12 workouts for R500 per person. Sessions can then be done at a time convenient for you.

Private 1on1 Sessions

Private 1on1 sessions at a time that suits you

These sessions are personalized according to your fitness and needs. They will take place in the comfort of your own home or venue of your choice OR live on zoom on a day and time convenient to you. Ask a friend(s) or hubby to join you. Contact us on for more details and prices.

TransformKIDS - Amazing Race or Padel Party


Let us organize a fun amazing race or padel party for kids. Loads of fun and excitement had by everyone.